
Winemaking Update

The pictures below are the two wines that currently are aging, before bottling.  The rhubarb is clearing, and tastes pretty nice, and the beet is just starting to clear a bit.  This particular beet isn't real fancy, it's just beets with some lemon and orange to get the acidity correct.  The beet label I'm posting here isn't meant for this particular batch, but rather for the upcoming batch.  But since I'm posting pics and labels, figured what the heck.

This will go on clear bottles.
This will be about 7 bottles.

This will go on green bottles.
This also will be about 7 bottles.
The 6 gallon batch currently in primary isn't fermenting as quickly as I'd like.  My specific gravity readings thus far have been:

* 7/28/13 – 4 gallons in bucket, added 2 cups sugar; 2 gallons in kettle, added 1 cup sugar, to reach 1.090 SG in each. SG Readings corrected for temperature.
* 7/29/13 – Divided and added 1 packet Lalvin Bourgovin RC 212 yeast to both containers. Temp 83 degrees in the house.
* 7/30/13 - 1.087 SG
* 8/1/13 – 1.077 SG
* 8/2/13 – 1.067 SG
* 8/3/13 – 1.062 SG
* 8/4/13 – 1.050 SG

Can't really rack off into the secondary, the carboy with the airlock, until the readings fall below 1.000, preferably 0.950.  But as long as they're still falling, it's still fermenting which while slower than I want, is acceptable.  This batch should net approximately 27 bottles.  Guess I'd better start finding wine drinkers to save their bottles for me :)

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