Discussion about anything and everything that comes along in our busy lives. I have a few specialty topics, so don't be afraid to drop by and explore a bit!
Well, here she is... pictured next to what she used to be. Her name? "My BMW." My Bike My Way. *grin*
Click on the title.
I don't know what happened to the pic I put up originally... but in checking my previous posts I noted it wasn't there. The only way I knew how to fix it was to add the link to the title... so click there :)
NYPD Helicopter video of 9/11 attack surfaces By Liz Goodwin
A newly released video shows the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attack from the vantage point of a NYPD helicopter.
According to Gawker, the National Institute of Standards and Technology requested the 17-minute video through the Freedom of Information Act, and the video was sent anonymously to the secret-sharing website Cryptome, which posted it. The Institute investigated the 9/11 attacks.
A warning to readers: The video, posted below, is difficult to watch--and voices on the soundtrack can be heard cursing as the horrific attack unfolds.
Too much to say. Been there, done that. Loved most of it! Learned from the rest. Opinionated, educated, ain't skeered. Affectionate in the right time and place... Banshee when necessary. I detest stupidity and believe that people who continuously do stupid things (repeat criminals for example) shouldn't be allowed to breed.